Meet Dr. Devon McGillem!
Meet Dr. Devon McGillem!

If you read our post last Thursday, you know that we have changed a lot from just one year ago. One aspect in particular is the hiring of an additional experienced chiropractor, Dr. Devon McGillem. If you have come in for an appointment in the last two weeks, there is a good possibility you have already met him. However, we have taken the liberty of allowing you to get to know him here on our website, or in this blurb on our blog!
Dr. Devon McGillem brings over 5 years of chiropractic practice experience with him to Greenwood Health Center. After starting chiropractic care at a young age to help with injuries brought on by playing sports, Dr. Devon started to become more interested in studying how chiropractic can not only help with pain symptoms, but also with other common afflictions from which many people commonly suffer. Using a natural, non-invasive and functional approach to help achieve optimal function not only made sense, but was something Dr. Devon felt was necessary. According to Dr. Devon, “Health care today has lost its identity. Focus has been taken away from the patient and put in the hands of individuals who don’t have the best interest of the patient in mind.” The various stressors that have an impact on the body as we get older can be effectively maintained by starting chiropractic care as a newborn, making appropriate lifestyle decisions, and adapting to the environment that surrounds you. Dr. Devon believes that if this is done, each individual will have an opportunity to live a longer, healthier and more enjoyable life.
After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree from Western Kentucky University, Dr. Devon went on to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Logan College in St. Louis, MO. While at Logan, Dr. Devon worked with patients of all ages and activity levels, always with the end goal being the same: to improve function and increase performance utilizing specific chiropractic adjustments, physical rehabilitation, and soft tissue treatment. Staying up to date on the latest in protocols and technology, while continuing to treat the true cause of the problem is the safest, most effective way to combat many health care issues. Combining services with Dr. Riley and the staff at Greenwood Health Center is certainly an opportunity for the community to benefit from the care.
After getting married to his wife, Jenny in June of 2013, Dr. Devon, Jenny and their 2 Labradoodles, Oliver and Bella, are looking forward to relocating to the Greenwood area to be closer to family and become more a part of making the community an even better place to live and raise a family.
8:00am - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Greenwood Health Center
450 South State Road 135 Suite B
Greenwood, IN 46142
(317) 889-8998