News From the New Office!
News From the New Office!

Where has the year gone? This flurry of time has afforded us many opportunities. We have quite a few announcements to share from our new office! As some of you know, we have moved to a new location just across the street. We are in the white brick building in front of Menards. You can’t miss it, but just in case you do — our sign is right out front with our new logo!
The new space is much more functional and updated, so we would love for you to come take a tour! Still offering natural, safe, and, most importantly, effective holistic healing, we’re also offering a bit more as of recently. We are proud to introduce a new Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Devon McGillem. We are very excited at his arrival as we should be able to open additional hours to give you more opportunities to stay on top of your health. His bio will be featured in our next post and will also be available on our website very soon. In addition to the new doctor, we also have a nationally certified (NSCA) strength and conditioning specialist on staff to assist in any physical training/sports/fitness needs. This adds a new facet to our physical therapy department, with an opportunity for some additional services (eg. exercise classes). And last but undoubtedly not least, do not forget about our offerings in massage therapy. All you need to do is call Tiera (317-889-8998) to set an appointment with our Licensed Massage Therapist, and you will be on your way to better health! Your first hour is only $45, and she has several deals on packages as well.
In other news…
– Our entire office will be participating in Mallow Run’s “Wine at the Line” (Sat. October 4th) 5k run/walk to benefit the Spina Bifida Association of Indiana. These charitable events are a great way to promote health and physical fitness, benefit a worthy cause, and spread the word of our natural methods of restoring your body to balance!
– Be on the lookout for an open house in the coming months in order to display to the entire community the services we offer and just how effective they can be. Expect a meet and greet, prizes, massages, snacks, and more! Around this time we will also be accepting donations for a food drive up through the week before Thanksgiving to make sure we have time to deliver all of your gracious offerings. There will most likely be a special offer included with a donation, so keep checking to see what you can save on your visit!
– We just recently received a HUGE order of GHC T-Shirts, so don’t forget about our T-Shirt Tuesday offer! If your appointment falls on a Tuesday, you will have an opportunity to win a completely free GHC T-Shirt just by showing up to our office. You may also submit a review to any online search engine or Facebook to receive a free T-Shirt. We have also added Twitter (@Greenwood_Chiro) to our social media presence to extend our offers, health tips, and news to our patients. We have been working hard here to grow our online presence in this ever expanding digital age so we may be able to better connect with our patients, keep you up to date on news/offers, and inform this great community about how much we have helped our patients. So if you know somebody who is living in pain, let that person know that pain is not a lifestyle that should not be accepted. We will make sure to express just how much we appreciate the recommendation.
Thank you so much for stopping by and staying updated with our blog. We will be posting at least once a week beginning with this post including everything that is happening at our office, tips for staying fit and pain free, and special offers/promotions you as patients can use to save money. Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for Dr. McGillem’s biography and at least every Thursday to see what’s new here plus what you can do to keep yourself feeling your best! Thanks again, and may you have a wonderful, pain free afternoon!
8:00am - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Greenwood Health Center
450 South State Road 135 Suite B
Greenwood, IN 46142
(317) 889-8998