Greenwood Health Center Blog

Chiropractic Greenwood IN Woman with hand on hip

Where Your Pelvis Should Be, And How To Get It There

Where Your Pelvis Should Be, And How To Get It There What is the axis point of your entire body? Take a look at any dancer, gymnast, or athlete and you will notice quickly that virtually every force humans produce, whether that is walking with our legs or tossing an object straight up in the…

Chiropractic Greenwood IN Woman with Kettle Bell

Kettlebells: The “Oldest” Tool in Fitness History

Kettlebells: The “Oldest” Tool in Fitness History If you are an active member of the fitness community, by now I am sure you have witnessed or at least heard of the kettlebell, or Girya for the Russian speaking folks. These cannonball shaped weights with a handle date back at least 300 years as a tool…

Chiropractic Greenwood IN Front Desk

Prizes, Live Music, and More!

Prizes, Live Music, and More! We have a lot of big announcements from the office for this week as we quickly approach the holiday season! On November 8th we will be hosting an open house at our office featuring door prizes, live music, appetizers, a chance to meet with our wonderful staff, and more. Starting…

Chiropractic Greenwood IN Lady Stretching

Stretching: Facts and Fiction

Stretching: Facts and Fiction Stretching: much ado about nothing? Or is it a primary aspect of keeping you healthy and well balanced? If you have ever competed in sports, participated in an exercise class, or even taken a Phys Ed class, there was almost assuredly some level of emphasis placed on “warming up.” Now let…

Chiropractic Greenwood IN Woman with Poor Posture

The Sitting Disease

The Sitting Disease Before crossfit, boot camps, bicycling, treadmills, or even the ancient practice of Yoga, physical fitness was maintained purely as a means of efficiently tracking, hunting, and gathering nutrition for the best possible opportunity to survive and reproduce (1). About the only other documented incidence was the dancing and celebration that ensued following…

Chiropractor Greenwood IN Devon McGillem

Meet Dr. Devon McGillem!

Meet Dr. Devon McGillem! If you read our post last Thursday, you know that we have changed a lot from just one year ago. One aspect in particular is the hiring of an additional experienced chiropractor, Dr. Devon McGillem. If you have come in for an appointment in the last two weeks, there is a…